Citizen Participation and Government unit contains 3 learning experiences.
Learning Experiences (Lessons) in Citizen Participation and Government Each learning experience takes about 45 minutes to teach in the device-enabled classroom.
Becoming a Citizen
Students learn how someone becomes a citizen of the United States through the process of naturalization. Then they describe the rights and responsibilities of non-citizen residents. Next, they take a sample “naturalization test.” Finally, they identify what a refugee is and consider how the U.S. handles refugees.
Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens
Students learn about the duties and responsibilities of U.S. citizens. They identify the differences between duties and responsibilities. Then they identify specific examples of duties and responsibilities. Finally, they propose a specific project to improve their community.
The Right to Vote
Students learn about the history of voting rights in the United States, including the various amendments that extended these rights over time. They create a timeline of the significant events in that process. Next they explore voter registration and requirements and explain how voting has evolved since the country’s founding. Finally, students research and create a poster that reflects voting registration requirements for elections in their local and state government.